Privacy Policy

Shrisa recognizes the importance of maintaining the privacy of Consumers. We value privacy and appreciate the trust of Consumers in us. This Privacy Policy applies to current and former consumers of our Website. By visiting and/or using our Website, you agree to this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy explains the information practices that apply to personally identifiable information that we collect about you as an individual, when you visit and/or use our Website. Any information that we collect about you while you are visiting or using our Website will be handled in accordance with this Privacy Policy and will not be shared except in accordance with it. This Privacy Policy does NOT apply to information about you collected by our affiliates or third party websites that may post links or advertisements on or otherwise be accessible from the Shrisa website. The information collected by these affiliates or third party websites is subject to their own privacy policies.

The capitalized terms used in this Privacy Policy, but not defined in this Privacy Policy, shall have the meaning given to such terms in the Terms & Conditions (defined herein after).

Please read this Privacy Policy before using the Website or submitting any personal information. By using Shrisa, it shall be deemed that the consumer are expressly consenting to be bound by the terms and conditions described in this Privacy Policy.


This Privacy Policy is a part of and is incorporated within, and is to be read along with the Terms & Conditions (the “T&C”). The consumer may view these Terms and Conditions on our Website.


Shrisa may change and update this Privacy Policy from time to time. Such changes may be made with or without any kind of prior notice, but any changes will only apply to activities and information on going forward and not on a retrospective basis, unless specified otherwise. The Consumers are encouraged to review this Privacy Policy before accessing the Website to make sure that they understand how any personal information provided by them will be used.


The procedures and practices set forth in this Privacy Policy describes the use and disclosure of Consumer Information collected through the Shrisa Website. This Website may contain links to other websites. Any personal information about the Consumer collected when the Consumer visits such websites is not governed by this Privacy Policy. The Consumer is encouraged to exercise caution and review the privacy policies applicable to those websites before accessing them. The Consumer acknowledges that Shrisa shall not be responsible for and has no control over the practices and content of any website accessed using the links contained on the Website.


By agreeing to this Privacy Policy, a Consumer (where as such Consumer is a natural Person) represents that the Consumer is at least the age of majority i.e. 18 years, and is competent to enter into a contract. Additionally, where the Consumer is registering on behalf of, and is the authorized representative of, a company, partnership or any other legal entity, such Consumer has been duly authorized by such entity and is permitted under Applicable Laws to accept these Terms & Conditions. Use of Shrisa website shall only be available to persons who can legally enter into a binding contract under the Indian Contract Act, 1872 Shrisa does not know solicit or collect personal information from children under the age of 18 years. If the consumer shares any personal information of children under the age of 18 years


Towards the provision of the Services and in cases where a Consumer visits or uses the Websites, Shrisa shall collect the following information from a Consumer (“Consumer Information”):

1. Information given by the Consumer

The Consumer may be required to give us information (including sensitive personal information) about the Consumer when creating or using an account on a Shrisa Website, or when corresponding with Shrisa by phone, e-mail or otherwise. The information you give us may include but not limited to your name, photograph, postal address, e-mail address and phone number, details of any identification or address proof, or any other information required by Shrisa to provide the Goods and protect against any illegal activities. We may also require additional information about a Consumer in compliance of or as required under Applicable Laws.

2. Information collected about a Consumer

With regard to a Consumer’s use of the Website, Shrisa may automatically collect and analyze technical information such as the IP address ,login information, browser details, time zone setting, operating system and other similar information; or information about a Consumer’s visit such as URL information, material or information viewed or searched by the Consumer; page response times, download errors, length of visits to certain pages, page interaction information, methods used to browse away from the page, metadata such as location, date etc., and details of email address or phone number used to contact customer service.

3. Information we receive from other sources:

Shrisa may receive information about a Consumer its other products and services used by the Consumer or from third parties such as advertising networks, analytics providers, search information providers. Shrisa may also collect non-personally identifiable information of Consumers.


Consumer Information is used by Shrisa and its partners and service providers towards various business purposes which, amongst others, includes:

  • To facilitate the Consumer’s requests and the Services;
  • To undertake research and analytics for offering or improving Services, the Website, their security and service quality;
  • To share with a Consumer, updates on changes to Shrisa services and their terms and conditions and provide details of similar products and services;
  • To aid strategic development, data collection and business analytics for Shrisa or its partners;
  • To take up or investigate any complaints/claims/disputes;
  • To respond to your queries or feedback submitted by the Consumer;
  • For conducting audits and for record keeping purposes;
  • For complying with Applicable Laws including the directions of any Governmental Authorities;
  • For selective offers and promotions; and
  • For providing a personalized experience and to enhance a Consumer’s experience in relation to the Website or the website.


Consumer Information in the possession and control of Shrisa is stored in accordance with Applicable Laws. Storage and transfer of Consumer Information is carried out in compliance with all Applicable Laws, including without limitation, the Information Technology Act, 2000 and the Information Technology (Reasonable security practices and procedures and sensitive personal data or information) Rules, 2011. By using any of the Shrisa Products or Services, the Consumer agrees and consents to the collection, storage and use of the Consumer Information collected in the manner described in and in accordance with this Privacy Policy.


The Consumer acknowledges the Consumer Information and other data may be exported outside of India, processed and stored in a foreign country or countries where it may be accessed by other entities. Consumer Information may also be transferred in accordance with Applicable Laws to Governmental Authorities, to affiliates of Shrisa and any potential buyers of the shares or assets of Shrisa. Shrisa may also distribute Consumer Information (not being in the nature of sensitive personal information) with other third parties, analytics providers and other third parties for provision of services to Shrisa and/or the Consumers by such third parties.


Shrisa takes various steps and measures to protect the Consumer Information provided by a Consumer from misuse, loss, unauthorized access, modification or disclosure. Shrisa uses industry-standard secure server layers encryption and access control on its systems. Do note that while Shrisa makes best possible efforts to securely store the Consumer Information and data provided by a Consumer, Shrisa does not guarantee that there will be no unintended disclosures of the Consumer Information and data provided by a Consumer on account of a data breach, unauthorized access, security failure etc. Shrisa cannot guarantee, give no warranties, and shall not be liable for breach of the security of Consumer Information through the Shrisa due to malicious attacks, errors, commission or omissions not willfully initiated by Shrisa and any transmission is at the risk of the Consumer.


Shrisa may retain consumer information for a period no longer than is required for the purpose for which it was collected or as required under any applicable laws, Also Shrisa may retain consumer in information if there is a legal obligation to retain such information is necessary to prevent fraud or future abuse to defend Shrisa against legal claims or for other legitimate purpose.


Whenever you visit/use the Website, we automatically collect some information about your transactions with us, and your use of the Website. For example, we automatically collect your IP address, for Shrisa internal use only, such as to help us diagnose problems with our server and administer the Website. We also automatically track certain information about your activities on the Website such as the type of web browser you are using and click stream data. If you are a registered Shrisa Consumer, we link this automatically-collected data to the personally identifiable information we collect about you described below. We use this information to do internal research on your interests and to help us better understand and serve you.

1. Cookies

To improve the responsiveness of the Website for our Consumers, we may use “cookies”, or similar electronic tools to collect Information to assign each Consumer a unique, random number as a Consumer Identification (Consumer ID) to understand the Consumer’s individual interests using the identified computer or device. Unless you voluntarily identify yourself (through registration, for example), we will have no way of knowing who you are, even if we assign a cookie to your computer or device. The only personal information a cookie can contain is information you supply. A cookie cannot read data off your hard drive or device. Most cookies are “Session Cookies” meaning that they are automatically deleted from your hard drive at the end of a session. You are always free to decline/delete our cookies if your browser permits, although in that case you may not be able to use certain features of our website. We receive and store certain types of Information whenever you interact with us via Website or Service though your computer/laptop/netbook or mobile/tablet/pad/handheld device etc.

2. Log File Information

We automatically collect limited information about your computer’s connection to the Internet, mobile number, including your IP address, when you visit the Website, Website or service. Your IP address is a number that lets computers attached to the Internet know where to send you data — such as the pages you view. We automatically receive and log information from your browser, including your IP address, your computer’s name, your operating system, browser type and version, CPU speed, and connection speed. We may also collect log information from your device, including your location, IP address, your device’s name, device’s serial number or unique identification number (e.g. UDID on your IOS device), your device operating system, browser type and version, CPU speed, and connection speed etc.

We may receive information about you from other sources, add it to our account information and treat it in accordance with this Policy. If you provide information to the platform provider or other partner, whom we provide services to, your account information and order information may be passed on to us.


To facilitate the provision of services by Shrisa to the Consumer, Shrisa may store information locally on the device of the Consumer. The Consumer consents to the local storage of information on the device of the Consumer for the facilitation of the Services or provision of the Shrisa products by Shrisa.

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